Spineless politics

War is more profitable than peace, at least for a number of individuals. Though for a nation and for the world peace is more profitable. War makes a few people rich, while hundreds of thousands become poor. Only a few make money on the poverty and blood of common people, sometimes legally in the name of democracy or religion, but more often than not they do it  illegally. US speaks a lot about democracy and send its troops or arms to bring democracy. And common people of the US pay this war game through tax, while those who are pulled into this democratic scheme pay with their blood and lives. In fact, US need far less money  to educate people all over the world. And if they do it, people armed with knowledge will bring democracy. In the process there will be no bloodshed. So the goal was never democracy, the goal was to make money, imposing war on poor people and spineless politics. Yes, politics in most countries is spineless, that is why the ruling party, the opposition even many individuals all over the world seek the blessing of the USA. The only way to bring peace is to throw away this spineless politics, to stand up for peace. Unless we can do it, kids in Gaza, Ukraine, Iraq and elsewhere will die. And we all are to blame for this. Here too we should distance ourselves from partisanship and fight for every-life, be he Muslim, Jew, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist or anybody else.

Dubna, 29 July 2015 (yes 2015)


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