Bangladesh Embassy: Past and Present

It was a lovely September day. For the first time I left Bangladesh all alone, nobody, neither my parents nor my brothers or sister was accompanying me. Yes, I was flying to the USSR for higher study. Those days it was hard to come to Moscow, as military government of Bangladesh had little love for communist Soviet Union. As a result only a few students came with government scholarship, with the major part of Soviet scholarship being distributed by the Communist Party of Bangladesh, Bangladesh-Soviet Friendship Society, BangaBondhu Parishad, National Awami Party etc.
So after a few anxious moments I finally took the board and on September 05, 1983 together with a few friends, who I came to know just a few weeks ago. On the way to Moscow we had little stops in Bombay, Karachi and Tashkent. But at Karachi we were not allowed to leave the board. In the morning, September 06, we landed in Moscow Sermitovo airport. I was always fond of Russia, mainly through writings by Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Tolstoy. When even before the plane landed, looking at the colorful forest through the window I again fell in love with Russia. Yes, it was for too away from the October golden autumn, but still it was very colorful. At the airport we were greeted by a number of Bangladeshi students and soon we were taken to the Patrice Lumumba People’s Friendship University hostel.
If I am not mistaken, our first contact with the Bangladesh Embassy Moscow was through filling up some forms. Those days we were like two neighbors full of enmity, but had to stay together and sometimes exchange a few welcome words.   
I went to the Embassy for the first time on victory day occasion. Those days twice a year (Victory day and Independence day) the Embassy arranged  mass gathering which were known as “KANGALI VOJH” among the students. But atmosphere was quite unpleasant. The situation improved when Mr. Nazimuddin Hassem came here as an Ambassador. At least he had some command over the student community. But the situation hit the lowest point in 1990 when the Ambassador with all the embassy staff left the 21 February ceremony.
During those days there was a school functioning at the Embassy, mainly for the children of Embassy staff. A few students work there. I myself worked there from 1992 through 1994, before moving to Dubna, where I am working since then as a research fellow.
My second chapter of communication with the Embassy began in 2006, when prof. Samsher Ali visited Dubna. He advocated for Bangladesh and JINR collaboration. I was asked to deal with this matter. I have tried my best to contact prof. Samsher Ali regarding this matter. Unfortunately, no response followed. But from then on I was regularly getting invitation from the Embassy to attend different national days. For me to go to the Embassy, meant to meet friends. But when I contacted them, they told either they were not invited or not planning to go there. In fact only a host of prominent people were invited there.
In 2008 things began to change. It was obvious in their approach. Before that I got official invitation by fax. Now they were using e-mail. One day I got a mail with some idea about establishing BAAR (Bangladesh Alumni Association, Russia) and the venue of the first meeting was indicated as Embassy. Though I could not attend the meeting, I felt, something good between the relation of Embassy and Bangladeshi community is going to happen.
In 2009 I have defended my D.Sc. thesis in Physics in Moscow. To my wonder HE Ambassador Dr. Saiful Hoque and Minister Jahirul Islam attended it. From then on I have been in the Embassy a several times, both as personal visitor, as a Bangladeshi in our National Day  ceremony and as a representative of JINR to talk about the possible collaboration of Bangladesh Science community and JINR. In the celebrations I no longer feel as someone neglected by Embassy. I have talked with a lot of people, and everyone told me about the positives changes, positive attitudes of the Embassy towards Bangladeshi Community in Russia.
My motive was not to praise someone or denounce someone. I am aware that there are some complaints against Dr. Saiful Hoque and Jahirul Islam from some people. Right they may be, but I just want to draw the other side of this picture. Most people, who do not expect anything other than some well behavior from the Embassy, give credit to the current Ambassador and his predecessor for the harmony in relation between the two sides. Given the present activity of Bangladesh Government regarding collaboration with Russia in energy sector and many others, their role cannot the undermined. Fate of Mr. Jahirul Islam has already been decided. I hope our Government will think twice before taking any decision regarding current Ambassador.

Dubna, September 05, 2010


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