Three days and many more: Meeting PM of Bangladesh

Finally we met the PM of Bangladesh. After great expectation it took the shape. Last three days was just like a festival. The President Hotel was always full of Bangladeshis, mainly from Awami League, Chatra League and Bangbandhu Porishad, but there were a few people like us who too came and stayed there to meet old friends either coming from Bangladesh or living in Moscow but hardly can be seen due to business.  So in some sense it was a meeting place. As for me the President Hotel (previously known as Hotel October) is a nostalgic place. It is the place where most of the CPB first ranked leaders stayed during the Soviet Union. We used to go there to meet them, learn the latest news of Bangladesh Politics, drink coffee at the Bar Aurora or buy chocolates from there, especially during the last years of Soviet Union when shops were almost empty. It is the place where Comrade Farhad died. After the fall of the USSR every time when I moved near this Hotel, it attracted me. So I with great pleasure went there these three days to breathe its air and went back to those lovely days when I was much younger with a dream for a better Bangladesh at the deep in my heart.
The atmosphere was like that of Moscow Mela. It is not like a function that usually takes place now-a-days in Moscow, it is something never ending process. It even brought together those who hardly see each other or exchange words in normal situation. Since most of the attendees were from Awami spectrum, it gave the atmosphere some emotional inputs.
As I have already written, the first evening was more or less dull, as there was little to mention about.
In any case, here is what I have written that day

Spent some good time with Abid Khan. After a long time I went to Hotel Oktyaber (now President Hotel) to meet him. There were a lot of Bangladeshis living in Moscow, mainly from Awami League Russia, Banga Bandhu Parishad Russia and Russia Chatra League. Everybody was waiting for PM. I didn't have such luxury. Together with kallol we went to meet Abid Khan. Taking this opportunity met a lot of others, e.g., Bahar, Shafique so on so on. Then we three went to Mikhlukho Maklay, took some beer, sandwich and tea. We walked along Miklukho Maklya upto Metro Belaeva. On the way took some photos.  Abid recalled his days in MGRI hostel, Cinema Hall Vytyaz, Dieta. Yes it was a nostalgic time. Tomorrow is a big day for BD. Hope it will bring us light. Ondhokar hoite aamake aalote loia jau - loadsheding hoite aamake nuclear light loia jau ei shob ar ki.
We can hope for the better - when hope dies nothing is left  
This post of yesterday generates some hot exchanges from my AL friends. They found some anti AL propaganda in it. But I was neither intending to do that nor think that I have done so. But they have the right to see whatever they want to.
I also raised some question in one of my previous post. It was

Today Prime Minister of Bangladesh is making her first official visit to Russia. No doubt people back home are eagerly waiting for this visit and expecting some historical treaties to be signed that would change the country in many spheres. I was trying to find coverage to this visit in Russian mass media. To my astonishment there is almost nothing about this visit. In 1983 when I came to Russia, even ordinary people knew about Bangladesh, were interested to know about it. Now, when everything is open, there is no lack of information, it seems common people has lost their interest. Now we are more interested in the model of our mobile phone, iPhone, iPad, the speed of internet etc., but not in the contents. May be I am not searching in the right place?       
Actually I still feel so. I understand we need a strong army. Army is one of the attributes of a state. There is no question about that. But what I would love to know is the transparency – we have the right to know more about the agreements. That day Shafiq told me a few about it. Today he writes a note in FB. Foreign Minister Dr. Dipu Moni has also focused on it in an interview with Radio Russia. Our Army plays an important role in UNO peace keeping mission. It is not only honorable for the country, but profitable as well. And it was naïve to think that Russia, the second largest exporter of weapons won’t push for arms deal. After all nuclear power plant is a sensitive area, and any country who invests multi billion dollars in this project would love to have some control over the politics of that country. To date arms supply is one of the most effective methods. I even think more. If the Nuclear Power Station takes the shape not only Russia, but also other countries like the USA, the UK, France, China etc would do everything to prevent the growth of fundamentalism in Bangladesh. So on the realization of this project depend not only the electricity that we are so in need of, but also our political stability. Taking this into account we should all support this initiative. But
As I have mentioned earlier, there were not much propaganda in Russian media about this historical visit. For Bangladesh it is no doubt historical. For Russia it is no less. As to construct a Nuclear Power Station which is very sensitive and risky as well, especially after Chernobyl and Fukusima, shows credibility of RosAtom, the prime department in Russian Atomic Energy Sector. I remember when the project like Blue Stream was in plan there were massive brain storms in TV. Now-a-days everyone uses mass media to create public opinion. As a result, when the US even bombs some other country, people support it. But as it happened with the treaty when I talked with a few Russian friends they were very skeptical about it. Many told about the Padma Bridge scandal. There is a program names Power. I think prior to her visit PM could give an interview and explain the situation of Bangladesh and its credibility. When a Head of State visits Russia, Russian TV arranges such an interview. Why it was not done this time is a puzzle.
Prior to this I met Sheikh Hasina only once, it was in late 1980’s. She visited Moscow then. We had a public meeting. It took place at the People Friendship University. It was an emotional meeting. She was quite new in Bangladeshi politics. But by now she has been the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and Leader of the Opposition, she fought hard against Ershad regime.    
Indeed it was a great opportunity to unite all the Bangladeshis living in Moscow. I don’t know exactly how many are there, but think from 700 to 1000. After a long time I met people who live in the parallel worlds, I mean if one of them attends a function, other definitely ignores it. Ironically they are both from AL, believe in the ideal of Sheikh Mujib and accept Sheikh Hasina as their leader. It is really a funny situation in Moscow. People from AL and BNP meet each other, talk, do business, but many from the same party cannot tolerate each other. Very good example of physics, when opposite poles attracts and same poles repel.
Just on 15 one of my friends told me a lot about the caste system, how it hampered the then Indian society so on so on. Here he writes a lot, writes for our countrymen, for democracy, for equality. But next they when we met the PM, while everyone met her group wise of five to ten, he made a personal appointment. While everyone standing, he made a seat. When everyone was there with many journalists present, he forced them out. Definitely for his dedication to AL and the leader he could afford it, but better to do it personally, not when she is receiving people group-wise. She was here as the Prime Minister, and everyone in that circumstances should be treated equally. But that my friend became more equal than the others. It is not a good idea for public politicians. Modesty is not a forgotten word yet.
What annoys me most is the format of the meeting with the PM. We were eager for this visit, we wanted to meet her, wanted to listen to what she says about the treaty, about the ongoing politics back home. We wanted to know about the trial of war criminals, of those who were behind Ramu and other recent anti-social activities.  Sure, we had better opportunity to come close to her, express our views, but it was one-sided. I don’t know what she said to her party men, but we didn’t hear anything. Time was short. But given the fact that Bangladesh is making revolutionary agreements with Russia, we deserved to get some firsthand news from the PM. I think it would be better for her as well. Ultimately almost everyone who was present could meet her. But from the very beginning the list was limited. So only people from AL, Bangabandhu Parishad, Chatra League came even when they were not included in the list, but others didn’t take the risk. As a result the meeting was one-sided. In case if the organizers invited everyone or allow Bangladesh community in Moscow gave her a public reception, almost every organizations functioning in Moscow took active part in it and could have a rare chance to work under the same banner, same purpose. It would be a fitting meeting for both the community and the PM. At present we are not looser, as we could meet her and told her about our problems. In that case she would have gained much. It would have brighten her image as PM of Bangladesh. Moreover, she is a historical person, the daughter of Bangabandhu, the leader of the nation, founder of Bangladesh. When the country is trying anti-liberation elements, people are looking for the revival of a secular and democratic Bangladesh, to meet Sheikh Hasina is more than just to see a PM, it is something like touching the history. I firmly believe than not arranging a public reception is mismanagement on behalf of the local BD officials.
Finally I would like to tell a few words about the Nuclear plant itself. It is one of the best things we could have. The lack of energy cost us too much. There are many talks about the safety of this project. But life is also unsafe. Everyone has to die. There is no other way. Nevertheless we love; bear kids; take care of them and do everything possible and impossible to make them happy. But with all our love, all our money we could hardly make his life safe, unless we control him, say him what is good, what is bad. Same thing happens with this sophisticated and sensitive device. Usually people want to get more and more profit from the production and in doing so they neglect the safely. The history of the modern world in general and that of Bangladesh in particular tells a lot about it. Problem of ecology hardly bothers anyone back home. So we have to be careful about the money we are going to get, we have to see so that every paisa meets its proper use. There must be zero tolerance on the improper use of this money and no compromise with the safety of the project. It is a national project, a national pride. If we everyone, the government and the opposition, scientists and civil society, environment workers and economists look after that as something very dear and crucial, definitely we can win this battle with atomic power station and bring light and prosperity to every single Bangladeshi family.  
After the fall of Soviet Union everyone seems to become communist, I mean rigid. We can’t hear each other, if criticized we take it personally and think he is anti-party. Everything we see in black and white. There is no mid way. Either you are with us or you are against us. During Soviet era democratic society at least tried to keep their face and sipped all kinds of criticism. Now everyone is conservative, rigid. As a result common remarks would be taken otherwise. If someone questions, it does not mean he does not want to take your version, it only means you are not good enough to explain the things clearly. I hope this note would note generate misunderstanding. It is a very personal note, for me and friends; just to look back and see where we are out of touch, what we need to do to make our dream come true.               

January 22, 2013


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